A Short Analysis of Politics in Doctor Who

This is a report I wrote for a class on Modern Political Concepts, while at BITS, Pilani. Doctor Who is one of the most fascinating shows in the world and has run for more than 50 years! This piece was written 4.5 years ago, which means it is incomplete, mainly for two reasons: more seasons have come out since then and I have gotten much better at doing research. Further, in 2017, the first female Doctor was announced which is sure to lead the show where no man has gone before, borrowing a quote from another sci-fi series I love so much. Please leave your thoughts below. Doctor Who is a British family-oriented science fiction television program that has been broadcasted by the BBC. The show first premiered on November 23, 1963 and is still on the air albeit for the suspension of broadcast from 1989 to 2005. The protagonist of the show is The Doctor (whose actual name is unknown, hence the name of the show): a Time Lord. Time Lords are an advanced species like humans i...