Exit West by Mohsin Hamid - A Review

I first heard of Mohsin Hamid when the adapted movie for The Reluctant Fundamentalist came out. I had wanted to get my hands on a copy of his book since then, and Exit West is my first go at his work. You have probably heard of Exit West already. The book has garnered critical acclaim for portraying what really goes through a refugee’s mind. Everyone from The Guardian to Vox has covered it. Exit West begins, simply enough, as a love story between Nadia and Saeed. Hamid makes even a simple love story so profound: “Every time a couple moves they begin, if their attention is still drawn to one another, to see each other differently, for personalities are not a single immutable color, like white or blue, but rather illuminated screens, and the shades we reflect depend much on what is around us.” Nadia who appears to be an orthodox Muslim at first (due to her niqab), then reveals she wears it so men don’t mess with her (Pg-13 version of those words anyway). Sae...